How To Be The Most Powerful Celebrity

How To Be The Most Powerful Celebrity

Celebrity is one of the professions that is quite popular in this digital era. With the benefits of being famous and earning quite a fantastic income, many young people are fond of the celebgram profession. Because of its popularity, the Indonesian government even plans to impose special tax rates for those who choose to work as celebrities.

At first glance, it looks easy by just relying on the internet, but it turns out that the way to become a celebrity is not that simple. The main capital to be called a celebrity is to have a creative side, both in packaging a field in the form of a photo or video content or expressing an opinion.

In addition to being creative, you must also take advantage of the sophistication and convenience of social media technology, including Instagram. From there, you will attract a lot of followers and expand your network and, of course, make a lot of money. If you are also interested in becoming a celebrity, the following will thoroughly discuss becoming the most powerful celebgram for beginners.

1. Choose the Niche of Content You Are Most Interested in

Telegram is a term to refer to someone quite famous on Instagram social media. Still, it has changed its meaning to a profession because it is considered capable of providing income. Generally, those who work as celebrities are not artists or public figures, so you can easily become a celebrity.

First of all, the way to become a celebrity, of course, can’t be sudden. You must first determine the niche or theme that you will bring. Why should you choose a niche? Niche will make it easier to create content and look for parties who want to cooperate in endorsements and events that match the products they offer.

Determining a niche is not difficult. Start from what you like and are interested in. For example, if you like travelling, you can upload various travel-related content or even a diary when you go somewhere.

Actually, as a celebgram, you can focus on several fields at once. Still, of course, if you are a beginner, you should focus on one area first to build a strong character or personal branding. Only after you expand your name and gain a lot of followers can you expand to other fields.

In addition to determining a niche, also determine your role on Instagram, whether you want to be an opinion leader who often shares your life views on something you are expert or understand, or become a trendsetter by bringing new ideas and executing them into certain unique products or habits, or even become a celebrity, where you are ready to give up your privacy and share your personal life story with a wide audience on Instagram.

2. Build Personal Branding As Early As Possible

The way to become the next celebgram is to build strong branding as early as possible because you can’t become famous in just a few days. By having strong personal branding, you can build a good reputation for your followers and a wide audience and those who will work with you later.

Build Personal Branding As Early As Possible
Build Personal Branding As Early As Possible

You can try to observe first the celebgrams out there, what makes them famous and followed by many people? So many factors can determine. It could be the content they stretcher, the impression they bring, or others.

Then back to yourself, what kind of personal branding do you want to display to a wide audience? Is it a humorous person with a unique personality? Or someone critical of sharing opinions on a topic? Look for something that sets you apart from others. Whatever it is, you should still be yourself and don’t need to imitate others. That way, it will be easy for you to continue consistently creating content on Instagram in the long term.

3. Define Your Content’s Target Audience

After finishing determining personal branding, the next way to become a celebgram is to determine the target audience of the content you will upload on Instagram. You can start by determining the age range of users who will be the target of your content. By determining the target audience, you can easily determine the type of content.

The easiest example is, for example, your niche is parenting, and you want to become a parenting celebrity. But, of course, your target audience is new mothers who are quite young, possibly in the age range of 22-35 years. So your content will certainly be different if you target an audience still in their teens, with content that is a contemporary style typical of young people plus captions that are still related to their daily lives will attract many followers.

How many followers do you need to become a celebgram? Unfortunately, there is no determining number, it could be someone who has followers or followers who are not too many, but the influence is wide and is known by many people. However, some experts agree that the ‘title’ of a celebrity can be pinned on an Instagram account that has more than 20,000 followers or followers.

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4. Make Instagram Profile As Interesting As Possible

The first thing other people will see when visiting your account is your overall profile. Therefore it is very important to make your Instagram account profile as attractive and complete as possible. Then, generally, the celebgrams have changed their accounts to business accounts and have not made their accounts private.

By turning it into a business account, there are many conveniences that you can get, for example, to view your account statistics, so you know how many engagements you have made over a certain period. Here’s how to create an attractive Instagram profile:

Use a Clear Profile Photo

The first is to use a clear profile photo. First, people will recognize you through your profile photo on your Instagram account. Therefore, you should not only use interesting photos, but you should also install high-resolution photos to look clearer and sharper. So people can see your face clearly with high-quality photos.

The standard ratio of profile photos on Instagram is 1:1, with sizes ranging from 512×512 or 1024×1024. Of course, the larger the size and resolution of the photo you use, the clearer and clearer the image will be. On the other hand, if you use a small photo, it is certain that when uploaded, it will be of poor quality and difficult to see even though it is faster to upload.

Examples of Interesting Instagram Bios

Instagram does provide a word limit of 150 characters to fill in the bio section. This section is a place to tell about yourself briefly. Well, this way, you can hone your creativity to make it more interesting even though it’s short so that people are more interested in visiting your profile and even becoming your new followers. Even though it’s short, please don’t underestimate the bio section because it can be a major determinant of whether other people will follow you or not.

You can write anything that represents yourself as creative and interesting as possible. You can also add emojis to colour and bring the part to life. You can also insert keywords related to uploads on Instagram as a whole. For example, if you want to become a culinary-related celebrity, you can add the word “culinary” or “food” in the bio column. Please don’t make it too long and excessive, or even carelessly, when filling out the bio, okay!

Include a Contact Person for Business

You can include a contact number to call for your business when you already have a name or have reached many followers. By including this number, you can help people who want to work together to endorse products through your account. For beginners, you can include your contact number.

Embed Links to Websites, Blogs, or Youtube Channels

The next way is to embed links to other social media. So even though you want to be a celebrity, that doesn’t mean you only have an account on Instagram. But you should create accounts on various other platforms. The point is that you can promote your Instagram account on these platforms.

No need to create all social media accounts. Pick a few that have the most active members like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok. Include the link in the bio section so that followers will know who you are from other platforms.

5. Post Interesting Photos or Videos

Content is the key to the program. Celebrities certainly need content to be recognized and the main reason why other people like and follow your account on Instagram. Instagram now provides various types of content, not only photos and videos, but can be in IG Stories or IGTV, or even live. In your Instagram feed, upload interesting photos or videos that match the niche or target audience you have set.

For example, if your niche is finance, you can upload content that discusses financial planning, which the audience has recently been in great demand. From there, your content can be flooded with views or likes, as well as comments. There is a high chance that others will share your content, so people will find out about your account and visit your profile.

Upload interesting photos or videos in good quality. Don’t upload low-quality content even though the content idea is interesting, and sometimes people will still not be interested because your content is not visually satisfying. You can also make your content useful or very important for followers to know. For example, it contains information related to the niche that you are stretching.

Even though followers like to follow activities and experiences in your daily life, that doesn’t mean you have to upload all kinds of sides of your life, especially about your personal life that you might not be comfortable sharing. Instead, you can continue to share all kinds of niche-related content that you carry and keep your privacy safe.

6. Write Interesting Captions, Avoid Typos!

Interesting and high-quality photos or videos sometimes feel bland without an equally interesting caption. Especially if you intend to make Instagram a place to make money, create a caption that tells a story or interesting description of the photos you upload so that followers are interested and leave comments. You can write inspiring or informative descriptions that help your audience.

For example, you are a travelling celebrity visiting Bali. You can upload a collection of tourist attractions worth visiting while in Bali, along with a description that attracts followers. So that you not only create content with beautiful and beautiful visuals but also share interesting stories.

7. Take advantage of hashtags on posts

To increase engagement and get new followers, you can take advantage of the hashtag or hashtag feature. Hashtags show topics that many people popularly discuss. You can write related hashtags on your uploads, and the more popular the hashtags you use, the more likely your uploads will be seen by other people looking for the topic. Make sure to use hashtags that are relevant to the upload you are sharing.

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Instagram is now making it easier to use hashtags, so you can bring up a variety of posts that use a particular hashtag. Even now, you can follow the hashtag, so it’s easy to find the topic. After that, in the Home section, feeds from other Instagram users who use the hashtag will appear.

In addition, your uploads can also appear in the Explore section of people who often search for accounts related to the topic or hashtag. Sometimes you can also use a unique hashtag created by yourself or a personal hashtag to attract people’s attention more.

8. Build Engagement with Followers

Having followers is, of course, an important factor in how to become a celebrity. But of course, it doesn’t stop there. Build engagement and interaction with followers on your Instagram account. Besides, you can maintain their trust and interest, and you can also increase followers organically.

Build Engagement with Followers
Build Engagement with Followers

Instead, avoid increasing followers by using the services of adding followers because Instagram might delete your account for violating their rules. How come you can use other ways to become a celebrity without using the services of buying these illegal followers.

Then, how to build interaction with followers? There are many ways that you can do it. The first, of course, is by actively replying to comments from followers. Second, you can provoke followers to comment by making uploads containing captions in the form of interesting questions.

You can also like followers’ comments as another type of interaction. Then you can also reply to incoming DM messages from followers, you don’t need to reply to all of them, but at least it’s enough to show that you appreciate the followers on your Instagram account.

So what if there are followers or other people visit your profile and leave negative or disrespectful comments? You can ignore it or delete any offensive comments. If you feel the need to reply, it’s best to respond with a positive or a funny answer. In this way, you can also be a positive influencer and role model for followers because you show a big-spirited personality.

9. Try to be consistent in posting content

If you want to be a celebgram, of course, being lazy to post can risk you being abandoned by followers because it feels inactive or too boring. Always try to be consistent in uploading content, both on your profile and in stories. According to your abilities and chosen niche, you can set a schedule by targeting 2-3 uploads every day.

You can also research when is the right time to upload content on Instagram. Based on a survey, the best time to upload Instagram content is during the afternoon break, around 11 to 1 pm and after work hours, which is around 7-9 pm. But of course, you can experiment yourself by uploading the same content at different times and see which uploads get the most engagement.

Or you can also apply certain filters consistently so that it creates visual appeal and can also become your hallmark. For example, your profile will highlight certain colours that are attractive and spoil the eyes of followers. Uploading content consistently doesn’t mean you’re spamming, but it can actually make Instagram like your account and will often appear on other people’s Explore pages. This increases the chances of your account being found and followed by people all over the world.

If Instagram likes your account, you will be shown more often on the Explore page by people, Instagram users from all over the world, which increases your chances of being found and followed.

10. Also active on Instagram Story

Not only active in the post feed section but you can also be activated using the Instagram Story feature. Instagram provides this feature to make it easier for you to upload temporary content related to your niche. Even now, you can combine several stories into one in the Highlight feature, which will be displayed on your profile page. So that people can see a collection of Stories containing your activities in a certain theme or topic.

active on Instagram Story
active on Instagram Story

What content can you upload to the Story feature? Any content can, especially for updating daily activities that are useful and inspiring for followers. For example, in this way, you can share tutorials on wearing a certain model of hijab for your hijabers. Later, this method has also become a means for celebgrams to participate in uploading content from other platforms they have, such as YouTube and TikTok.

Instagram Stories cannot be underestimated, even though they can only last for 24 hours. Many famous celebgrams can be paid for by promoting other people’s products by uploading their stories alone, from $10 to $100.

So it’s no wonder there are so many celebgrams that upload quite a lot and long stories. But, in addition, you can also promote other products or services that you also have on Insta Story, you know.

11. Take advantage of the interactive features on IG Story

Followers can get bored if the Story you upload is done in a way that seems monotonous or just like that. For example, it only becomes a daily activity update that maybe even all followers already know.

Well, to make your IG Story more interesting and diverse, you can take advantage of the various features available in it. Especially, you can use interactive features to invite followers to interact with the stories you create.

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Create Questions and Answers with the Question. Feature

Instagram presents the Question feature in Insta Story, where you can write a short question in the box, then your followers can answer it by tapping the box and writing the answer. You can idly provide questions and answers related to your niche.

The questions can be made can be simple. For example, if you are a cooking celebrity, you can ask, “What are you cooking today? Let’s share!” in the Question feature and invite followers to share their cooking menu today. You can re-share their answers in the form of screenshots in Stories and give your interesting feedback.

Interactive Games with Polls

The poll feature is also quite interesting for you to use. For example, as a makeup celebrity, you want to know what eyeliner brand is the followers’ favourite. So you can create a poll by comparing two brands that are considered quite popular among makeup enthusiasts.

After the followers give their poll, you can share the results back in the Story and provide your feedback or review regarding the two brands. You can also play This or That idly to find references from followers and as a refresher for both followers and yourself.


Take Advantage of Quiz Fitur Features

Another interesting feature of Instagram Story is the Quiz Feature. You can ask unique questions and provide four answer choices. When your followers choose their answer, they can immediately determine which answer is right and which answer is wrong. You can make quiz games related to the niche you are promoting, or even you can make it a giveaway event as a reward for loyal followers and attract new followers.

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12. Occasionally Do Instagram Live

Instagram brings more interesting features, not only stories, but now you can also do live broadcasts. This method is a means for male and female celebgrams to get closer to their followers.

You can do a live broadcast for 1 hour, for example, when you are doing quite interesting activities related to your niche. You can invite some followers to participate in the live, other celebgrams, or even certain public figures and artists who have the same field of interest as you.

It doesn’t need to be too often, and you can do it occasionally, for example, 1-2 times a week. Or you can also schedule it as a separate event by bringing interesting topics so that followers will join the live event where you can discuss and discuss an interesting topic.

13. Be selective in choosing endorsement products

Celebrities can open up benefits for you to promote a product or service from another party or client. The term is an endorsement. Many businesses use celebgram services as a marketing medium because they are considered to have a major influence on the purchasing power of followers for these products or services.

Usually, in an endorsement, the celebrity will provide an opinion or review regarding his endorses. You can try it yourself first to convince your followers more.

This method can be one of the advantages of a celebrity, and even though you can endorse it, you can receive the product or service for free. But it should be noted and you should remain selective in choosing what you will endorse.

Sometimes novice celebgrams accept all incoming endorsements because they need high engagement and income. Even though, of course, you have to consider whether the product or service is useful for followers, or is it safe to use and is proven. Don’t hesitate to refuse endorsements because your reputation could decrease due to incorrectly receiving endorsements.

14. Avoid Excessive Posting of Endorsement Products

In addition to being selective, avoid uploading endorsement products excessively. If you get a lot of endorsements, you should schedule them to upload regularly at certain times. Even though it is profitable, uploading too much-endorsed content can make your account followers bored and end up unfollowing them.

On the other hand, other parties or companies will not necessarily like it and may think twice about using you as an endorsement service. Because it could be that the endorsement upload is covered with other endorsement uploads, don’t forget to limit the amount of your endorsed content in a day and alternate it with your content.

15. Collaborate with Other Celebrities

The last way to become the most powerful celebgram is to collaborate with other celebgrams, for example, by making videos, covering songs, discussing on IG Live, and others. In addition to making you better known, you can also get income by using endorsements or paid promotions. You can get a lot of views from the followers of the celebgram you collaborate with.

Having a good relationship with other celebgrams, you can be known as someone friendly and pleasant. In addition, you can expand your network to increase the possibility of being known by a wider audience.

You can also use this as an opportunity to develop interests in other fields or even open a business. Some celebgrams help each other promote the business of other celebgrams, even without you asking or paying for it.

By doing some of the ways to become a celebgram above, you can start making it a more serious profession to get a pretty fantastic income. If you’re curious about the salary of being a celebrity, of course, it varies depending on how famous and influential it is on social media.

The more that person has a big influence on purchasing power and the niche that he controls, of course, other parties will trust him more to work together and provide income. The income range of celebrities that are known per upload on their Instagram can start from Rp. 20 thousand to Rp. 70 million. Fantastic, right?

In addition to knowing how to become a celebgram, you also need to know that many benefits can be obtained by becoming a celebgram outside of earning a fantastic income. Celebrity is now no longer just a side job but has even become the main job for some people. Some of the benefits, such as getting a wide social network, are not even limited to the fields you are good at.

That way, you can also promote your own business. You can also become an ambassador for a product, attend special or exclusive events for celebgrams. Not only advertising products, but celebgrams can also have a broad influence on certain issues or learn something new so that you can produce new and unique content. Continue to enrich yourself by adding skills both from other celebgrams and from training so that you can continue to produce interesting and useful content for followers.